Gateway Medicard

In an emergency, getting vital health information to medical personnel quickly could be critical. Your Gateway Medicard keeps your personal medical profile handy at all times. Carry it with you at work, on vacation, or just walking in your neighborhood. You’ll feel more secure knowing emergency medical personnel will have access to data needed to administer appropriate care.

When you send in your completed Gateway Medicard Data Form, it is reduced in size and printed on a durable plastic card. It is easy to read with a standard magnifying glass routinely carried by medical professionals. Please note that separate papers or other forms cannot be accepted; be sure all information appears on the Gateway Medicard Data Form.

As a member, you may order one free medical card per account each year.

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Association Hearing Services

Discounted Quality Hearing Aids and Accessories

Association Hearing Services is a nationwide plan that offers its members premium, name brand hearing aids at huge savings on a no-risk, 100% satisfaction guaranteed basis. The professional, licensed staff are happy to discuss your hearing needs and provide recommendations for the best solution to your hearing problems.

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Karis - Bill and Health Negotiator

Karis Healthcare Navigator®

A concierge-style navigation service guiding members through a confusing healthcare system and driving cost savings while ensuring quality care.

Karis Bill Negotiator®

A bill negotiation service employing a unique strategy consisting of direct negotiation, reference-based repricing, and financial aid assistance to drive savings.

NOTE: Karis is not insurance and does not provide funds to pay for bills. Total bills for a single event must be equal to or greater than a dollar amount set by your plan. This is a best-efforts service. Results cannot be guaranteed.

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Prioritize Wellness

We're here to help you begin healthy eating habits.

Prioritize Wellness is a wellness resource that focuses on preventative care through education about nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress management and nutritional supplementation. We aim to educate members about the fundamentals of health in order to increase longevity and lower disease risk. Each member of Prioritize Wellness has access to all of our original content and heath related posts, including exclusive access to discounted meal plans and fitness plans.

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Vitamin Discounts

There are many positive health benefits that can result from a daily regimen of vitamin supplements. Many people consider a vitamin and mineral supplement program to be an important part of their overall health strategy. Our members can save an additional 20% on a wide range of Swanson brand vitamins and mineral supplements online.

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VSP Individual Savings Pass

This exclusive Individual Savings Pass may be the perfect fit for your eye wear needs.

With Individual Savings Pass, you’ll enjoy discounts and savings on your eye exam, glasses, sunglasses, and lens enhancements for 12 full months. Enroll today and get $10 off the pass price.

See what $59 $49 can get you

  • Personalized care from a VSP® network doctor
  • Unlimited discounts on glasses/sunglasses for 12 full months
  • Hundreds of stylish name brand frames to choose from
  • Enroll today and start saving the next business day

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